Current Activities
Current Activities
Below is a list of current activities that we can offer young people in Portsmouth.
What can Scouts do?
What can Scouts do?
Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers.
Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers.
In Portsmouth, we are able to offer a range of activities to our young people which are listed below. Unfortunately, not all activities can be done by all sections but, we are normally able to offer you an alternative to the activity so please do still get in touch with us. Click on the activity name to find out more!
Dinghy Sailing
Rafting (Traditional)
Rifle Shooting
Do you want to book one of these activities or do you already have a permit but just need some equipment to run the activity? You can book any of these activities and equipment by clicking below:
If you feel there is an activity we should be doing, let us know by emailing us.